Clinical trials with the MAIA platform

The MAIA platform is the ideal tool for medical studies with patient surveys. The ePRO module makes trials more efficient an increases the response rate and data consistency. Furthermore it eases patient recruitment. We precisely adapt the MAIA platform to the needs of your research project


With electronic consent, participants' data can be collected automatically and from any location (e.g. from home) and important consent can be obtained. When providing pre-information, we pay attention to a particularly low-threshold and catchy form of presentation (audiovisual media are usually advantageous).

EDC (Electronic Data Capture) & BYOD (Bring Your Own Device)

Experience and Data show that surveys completed at home on familiar devices significantly increase the response rate. MAIA pays attention to intuitive usability, especially with regard to older people. The MAIA platform works browser-based, i.e. without apps that need to be installed, and can be set up for different access points (e.g. websites, SMS, QR codes or connection to Termintool or PDMS). 

Patient surveys

We create surveys such as ePRO for you with optimal timelines and reminders as standard. Precisely timed surveys and an optimum frequency of surveys improve the database. Patient diaries (eDiaries) are also possible (reminders e.g. via SMS significantly increase the response rate). We implement a successful user journey for your study participants.

Automated reports

We not only provide you with the data, but also prepare the data and reports according to your specifications.

Interface / HIS-connection

The connection to existing systems via an interface (e.g. to HIS in clinics) can bring great advantages in the automation of questionnaires. Surveys can be triggered by treatment appointments, discharge or therapy goals without any personnel effort. Survey intervals and content can also be adapted to treatment paths and processed automatically.

Target audiance

  • Universities
  • Hospitals
  • Pharmaceutical companies
  • QM departments at hospitals and healthcare associations
  • Health authorities
  • Public and private healthcare facilities


  • Tracking und Optimierung von Rücklaufquoten
  • Improving data consistency through automation
  • Saves time, resources and costs
  • Outstanding support for your purposes by our team of experts


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